Östsvenska Handelskammaren

East Sweden Infra Cluster

ESIC, East Sweden Infra Cluster, is a business network that spans over a large geographic area in the south east of Sweden. In Sörmland, Östergötland and also Swedens largest island Gotland.

We are a non-political organisation and a part of the East Sweden Chamber of Commerce.

We specialize in making our members businesses grow through networking, information and lectures within the field of infrastructure and sustainable urban development throughout the region.

ESIC takes ame to see the greatest infrastructural project in modern time to take place, the East Link. It is a new generation of railway between Järna and Linköping. The construction is set to start 2022. Many of our member companies strive to be a part of the huge project.

As a matter of fact, the East Link is the reason why ESIC was founded. 

The network has over 200 members in a wide range of business areas.  

Don’t hesitate to contact us!


Charlotta Elliot

Projektledare ESIC