Östsvenska Handelskammaren

Can your business become more circular?

Come listen to Daniel Ellison from Hasopor and Peter Wall from Mälarplast, two inspiring stories of circularity being at the core of a business.

Daniel Ellison is the CEO of Hasopor, a company transforming glass that can no longer be recycled into a lightweight but strong and environmentally friendly filling material. This foam glass can be used in infrastructure and construction projects. In collaboration with industry colleagues in Europe, Hasopor is constantly refining their production techniques with a focus on circularity and looking for new ways of using their product.

Peter Wall is the CEO of Mälarplast, a green plastic company. Peter Wall will be focusing his talk on how Mälarplast is working towards an increased use of recycled and bio-based plastic. In collaboration with their customers, they are creating innovative systems with circular flows of plastic products, allowing the plastic to be reused, again and again, while decreasing spillage.

The event will be moderated by Ian Hamilton, Cleantech Östergötland. The presentation will be held in Swedish.

When: March 23rd between 12.00-1.00 pm,
lunch served from 11.30 am
 IMA One, Pursergatan, Linköping

Do you have any questions? 

Dina Ehsan
+46 (0)70-271 18 91

Ian Hamilton
+46 (0)70-872 67 28

This seminar is organized in collaboration with
Cleantech Östergötland.

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