Östsvenska Handelskammaren

Building a stronger East Sweden together

The Chamber of Commerce of East Sweden is a private, politically independent organization working to strengthen the region’s business community.

Fasadbild på Östsvenska Handelskammarens mötesplats Kammarforum i Norrköping.

The Chamber of Commerce of East Sweden is a private, non-partisan membership organization that operates in the regions of Östergötland, Sörmland, and Gotland. Our chamber of commerce was founded in 1913 to act as the voice of regional business, the link between the private and public sectors, and to promote trade and growth.

We are one of the 11 national chambers of commerce and collaborate with numerous international ones, but each chamber is autonomous and represents the interests of its members. Our strength lies in the collective knowledge, commitment, and growth of our members.


Our operations are based on democratic principles of equality, participation, and integrity. All employees and member companies are required to adhere to these fundamental values and guidelines. We conduct our activities with sustainability in mind, striving for economic, social, and ecological sustainability.

Core values

The Chamber of Commerce East Sweden is guided by ethical and practical principles, which are important for the organization’s work and its members. Our core values are reflected in all our activities and operations.


Our vision is to ”Move forward together for growth and prosperity.” We aim to be the unifying and driving force behind creating favorable conditions for regional businesses to conduct trade, do business, and grow both nationally and internationally. By being a member of the Chamber of Commerce of East Sweden, you commit to actively contribute to the development and attractiveness of the region.


Simon Helmér


Eva Hartzell

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