Genom ett samarbete med Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the UK har vi möjligheten att bjuda in Östsvenska Handelskammarens medlemmar till detta seminarium som ingår i en ”Emerging stronger” mötesserie. Seminariet ges på engelska.
Du får lyssna till representanter från Spotify, Telia och Vodafone som pratar kring följande:
Recessions and game changing events – such as pandemics – can change the trajectory of economies, governments and businesses, and essentially alter the course of history. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, societies and businesses have had to dramatically alter the way they operate, compromising work environments and posing challenges to the status quo. We have seen unprecedented adaption and development of new technological solutions, fundamentally changing the game. But does it really take a global crisis, such as the current pandemic, to accelerate innovation at this speed? Will it keep changing as we settle into a new reality, and the world slowly opens up again, or will we slow down? What is next in innovation, and how we do keep accelerating? Simply, how do we emerge stronger?
Katarina Berg, Chief Human Resources Officer at Spotify
Rachel Samrén, Chief External Affairs at Telia
Johan Wibergh, Chief Technology Officer at Vodafone Group
Nik Gowing, Director and Founder of Thinking the Unthinkable, and former BBC news anchor