Östsvenska Handelskammaren

Trade Talks – Mexico

In recent times, concepts such as “de-risking” and “nearshoring” have become increasingly important, and Mexico has emerged as a key player in capitalizing these trends. This webinar will explore the strategically important market of Mexico.

With its strategic location, well-educated workforce, favourable business climate and 14 free trade agreements, Mexico has attracted companies from all over the world. Boasting a market with 128 million people, the country experienced a growth in private consumption, increasing by 4.7% between 2022 and 2024, an impressive growth considering the cautious global market.  

Sweden and Mexico have a long history of multilateral collaboration, favoured by the many shared values between the countries such as disarmament, democracy, climate action and human rights. However, it is now time to strengthen the bilateral cooperation and explore new opportunities for mutual growth.  

Together with the Mexican Embassy in Sweden and various experts in the field, we will delve into the market outlook, risks and opportunities, recommendations and future predictions to provide a comprehensive view on Mexico, especially for Swedish firms of all sizes.  


Opening remarks: Alejandro Alday, Ambassador of Mexico to Sweden.
Navigating the Mexican Business Landscape: Andrea Parra Villanueva, Executive Managing Director at the Nordic Chamber of Commerce in Mexico.
Regulations and EU-Mexico Trade Agreement: César Guerra, Secretary General of the Belgium-based Mexico-EU Chamber of Commerce and past Mexican government official.
Overview of sectors and opportunities in Mexico: Tonatiuh Salinas, President of the Committee of Promotion and Attraction of Investment at the Mexican Business Council of Foreign Trade, Investment and Technology (COMCE).
Operating in Mexico as a Swedish company: Pedro Colchado, Portfolio Director at TetraPak.

Antonio Perea Santiesteban, Head of Trade and Economic Affairs at the Mexican Embassy in Sweden.
Louise Lee Hultberg, SCI coordinator at Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.


Trade Talks by Swedish Chambers is a joint initiative by the regional Chambers of Commerce in Sweden. It consists of webinar series hosted by experienced experts from our chamber network worldwide. Through Trade Talks you get access to the latest updates and analysis on current markets.

The webinars are built in dialogue with experts from both Swedish and foreign Chambers of Commerce, other relevant market experts, as well as companies and organizations that can provide experience and lessons learned from respective markets.

Regional Chambers in Sweden

Handelskammaren Jönköpings län | Mellansvenska Handelskammaren | Handelskammaren Mittsverige | Handelskammaren Mälardalen | Norrbottens Handelskammare | Stockholms Handelskammare | Västerbottens Handelskammare | Västsvenska Handelskammaren | Östsvenska Handelskammaren

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