Östsvenska Handelskammaren

French-Swedish Innovation Forum

Warmly welcome to French-Swedish Innovation 3rd of October in Stockholm . Pan-European Collaborations for Smart, Green & Energy Independent Industry.

This is a high level event aiming to promote French-Swedish business relations, investments, and impact collaborations and further the development of the French-Swedish Innovation Partnership. We want to create meetings across our two countries to further build bridges between impact startups, companies, capital markets, and decision-makers within our bilateral ecosystem. We want to strengthen the links between the French and the Swedish innovation ecosystems and discuss the challenges and opportunities of Europe as an innovation continent of excellency for smart, green and energy independent industry. The program focuses on developing sustainable business models, impact management, strategies for scaling and green transition.

This occasion offers an excellent opportunity for networking to develop French-Swedish partnerships, create new businesses and further trade relations between France and Sweden in both directions.

This is an event organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France in collaboration with Business France and the French Embassy in Sweden and the support of Business Sweden and the Swedish Embassy in France.

Date: 3rd of October
Time: 13:30 – 18:30
Venue: Grand Hôtel Stockholm


13.30 Registration

14.00 Welcome remarks by Gîta Paterson, President Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France

Opening by H.E. Etienne de Gonneville, Ambassador of France to Sweden

High level French Keynote
High level Swedish Keynote

Panel I
How can French-Swedish collaborations contribute to repower EU

Franck Bouétard, CEO, Ericsson France

Christophe Desplats-Redier, Regional Director Europe, Neoen
Sandra Grauers Nilsson, Head of onshore Wind Power, Vattenfall
Carl Pattyn, Managing Director, Scania France
Rob Whyte, Managing Director, Alstom Nordics

Start-up pitches*

Fika, networking and Tech & Innovation exhibition with partners and green champions

Panel II

Speeding-up sustainable business in France and Sweden: best-practice from green champions

Aurore Belfrage, Technology Investor

Karin Ebbinghaus, CEO, Elonroad
Matthieu Guesné, Founder & CEO, Lhyfe
Luc Hovan, Vice President Operational Excellence, Northvolt
Benoît Lemaignan, CEO & Co-founder, Verkor

Start-up pitches*

Closing remarks by H.E. Håkan Åkesson, Ambassador of Sweden to France

17.00 Networking cocktail and Tech & Innovation exhibition with partners and green champions

18.30 End

*E.g. ClimateView, EcoTree, EcoVadis, Elonroad…

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