Östsvenska Handelskammaren

The Mental Fitness Summer Games

We’ve been invited, by one of the hottest Swedish startups of the moment, to participate in “The Mental Fitness Summer Games” which will allow us to proactively strengthen our mental fitness in a super fun way!
For us, at Bright East, it’s very important to ensure both wellbeing and workforce resilience. So, we are thrilled to give you this opportunity to explore possibilities and make sure you get more tools to define your own path – because it is yours to build!

Are you up for a game?

We are happy to announce that the members of the Bright East network have been invited to
– the gym for mental fitness to participate in “The Mental Fitness Summer Games”!, by Upotential.

You will, together with other mental athletes from all over the world, get to strengthen your mental muscles, boost your soft skills, reflect and focus on what’s important to YOU – in career and in life!

The inauguration takes place May 27th at 16:00, where you will get to know the game plan, the rules and all other details on how to proceed your mental fitness training in a smooth way. Of course, you will also get a taste of how it works by doing your first exercise in mental fitness. 

Your goal for these games is to complete your first level in mental fitness (6 workouts) during May – August.

You sign up by responding to this Invite by latest May 24th. And yes, there are limited no of spots and we have a first come, first serve policy.

So, if you want to boost your mental fitness, you should definitely join these summer games.

See you at the gym!

Bright East is the network for young professionals between the ages of 20 and 35 and who want to be involved and share thoughts about everything from politics to food. The network meets a few times a year to inspire and be inspired, make new contacts, discuss ideas and maybe launch new plans together. Maybe this is where you meet your new friend, colleague or customer. Bright East is the region’s most exciting career network for the new generations that today and in the future will be the driving force in our part of the world!


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Zara Thörnfeldt

Marknadskoordinator - Föräldraledig

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